In 2009 Ralph Lauren printed this add of an unnaturally thin girls causes the masses to call it in to question. RL apologized for giving girls an unrealistic standard of beaty to live up too. Everyone knows that all clebrity pictures are photo shopped, while this is not a huge deal. It becomes much more serious when political sides use it too skew the vote such as:
It is a 1950 picture of a US Senator, Millard Tydings, talking to Earl Browder, the head of the American Communist Party. Mr. Tydings had never met Mr. Browder, but he had stood up to Joseph McArthy during the McArthy communist witch hunts. Good Old Joe decided to pay him back by creating this picture and disseminating it widely. The picture cost Mr. Tydings his re-election. For our younger readers, the equivalent picture today would be one of a US senator having tea with Osama Bin Laden.(
Someone losing an election because of media manipulation is not only unfair to the candidate but unfair to the public who was decieved into voting for the other party.
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